Janelle Case

Facilities Director, NextGen Administrator


meet Janelle

My ministry at Faith is two-fold.  As the Facilities Director, I am responsible for the upkeep of the facilities along with overseeing the Custodian. I also work as the Administrator to Faith’s NextGen Pastor and Phase Directors taking care of the day to day logistics to ensure that they can carry out their ministries to Faith’s families.

I’ve been married to my best friend and husband Ray since 1984. Our daughter Cherrine is married to Lowell and our son Charles is married to Shawna and all four children are a blessing. We have also been blessed with three grandchildren, Temperance, Zaiden and Ayla who are our pride and joy.

If I’m not spending time with my kids and grandkids, you can find me watching sports either live or on TV.  I was born and raised in Kansas and so true to my Kansas heart, I cheer for the Chiefs and Royals and now that I’ve lived in Manhattan since 1993, of course, I’m a true Wildcat fan.